College Application Timeline

College Application Timeline

The college application process can be extremely overwhelming. From taking your SATs or ACTs to scheduling college visits and submitting your applications, there are lots of steps you need to take on the road to finding the college that’s right for you.

To help you keep all of the details straight, we’ve put together a timeline of everything you need to do to apply to college, from your junior year through your senior year. It may look like a lot, but don’t worry — just take everything one step at a time, and we know you’ll find the perfect college for you.

Also, here are a list of a few of our past blogs about applying to college that may be helpful. Good luck!

Coming up with a great college essay topic

How to start your college search

The ins and outs of getting college scholarships

How to practice for the SATs

(click on image below to expand).

college application
