
Stephen Weber, who is in charge of things here at Educational Endeavors, tells me that the Chicago high school admission exams are October 26th, which means it’s time for EE...

Possibly the most significant education-related Supreme Court case since Brown v. Board of Education was decided last week. Carson v. Makin, a case involving schools in Maine, has been understandably overshadowed...

I sat down to write a post about the impact of money on educational outcomes, reading articles and studies to flesh out my knowledge, and there was one researcher I...

School is out (or just about out) for most students, but the news in education never stops.  Here’s what we’ve been reading for the last month or so. Chalkbeat Chicago looks at...

Something has to be done about making children safe from mass shooters in schools. That is widely agreed upon. Texas governor Greg Abbott, presiding over the state where nineteen children and...

What is there to say anymore when news of yet another mass murder of children inside a school arrives? The grief of the families of those killed is unfathomable. The lack...